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Copyright Guide: Open Educational Resources

What are Open Educational Resources?

Open educational resources (OER) are learning materials that are freely available for use, remixing and redistribution.  Authors will typically include a terms of use statement or Creative Commons licensing to guide usage.

Open Education Resources (OER) General Collections


Below is a selection of Open Educational Resource collections.  You may find more resources by searching the Internet using the phrase "open educational resources".  Please read the terms of use for all Open Educational Resources (OER) and abide by the conditions outlined by the author. 



Art and Design OER

The availability of OER for visual art, design, craft and media and film studies is increasing all the time. Copyright restrictions can have an effect on the use of images and media resources, but some licensing does enable the use of art works in open educational and open access resources.

The following are some OER specific to visual and fine arts:

BC Campus - Design Textbooks

Obelisk: A New History of Art

Open Textbooks Library - Arts Textbooks